Villa Grazia is located in San Carlo Canavese – Cirié area – just 20 minutes from Turin. It has 210 post-acute beds and 50 RSA beds. Equipped with single, twin-bedded and/or three-bedded rooms equipped with independent toilets.Villa Grazia also provides, under an agreement with the NHS, outpatient services such as: traditional radiology - mammography, ultrasound, echocardiographyIn private regime: physiatric visits, orthopedic visits, neurological visits, angiological visits, cardiological visits, endocrinological visits, dermatological visits, urological visits, gastroenterological visits, ophthalmological visits. Diagnostic tests: electromyography, electrocardiogram, Holter, ergonomic test on exercise bike, bone densitometry, simple spirometry, physiotherapy, walking re-education, osteopathy, lymphatic drainage. Instrumental therapy: shock waves, electrostimulation, laser therapy, magnetotherapy.